Museu do Microscópio

Coleção de microscópios antigos e outros instrumentos científicos



Números de série de microscópios produzidos pela Olympus (vários modelos)


Microscópios modelos GK / GB / GC

Several microscopes on a white background

Description automatically generated

A graph showing the growth of the year

Description automatically generated



Microscópio modelo POS

A close-up of a microscope

Description automatically generated

A graph with numbers and points

Description automatically generated



Microscópio modelo UCE

A close-up of a microscope

Description automatically generated

A graph with a dotted line

Description automatically generated



Microscópio modelo OCE

A black and silver microscope

Description automatically generated

A graph with numbers and a dotted line

Description automatically generated



Microscópios modelos ST / HS / HSB / HSC

A pair of microscopes

Description automatically generated

A graph showing the growth of the year

Description automatically generated



Microscópio modelo MJ

A close-up of a microscope

Description automatically generated

A graph with numbers and lines

Description automatically generated



Microscópio modelo POM

A close-up of a microscope

Description automatically generated



Microscópio modelo MF

A close-up of a microscope

Description automatically generated 

A graph with black dots

Description automatically generated



Microscópio modelo K / KC

A close-up of a microscope

Description automatically generated

A graph with numbers and dots

Description automatically generated



Microscópios modelos KH / KHC / KHS

A close-up of a microscope

Description automatically generated

A graph with numbers and a dotted line

Description automatically generated



Microscópio modelo FHF

A close-up of a microscope

Description automatically generated

A graph with black dots and numbers

Description automatically generated



Microscópios modelos EA / EC / ED / EH / ER

Several microscopes on a white background

Description automatically generated

A graph with black dots

Description automatically generated



Cabeças binoculares dos modelos EA / EC / EH / FH

A close-up of a microscope

Description automatically generated

A graph with numbers and dots

Description automatically generated



Cabeças trinoculares dos modelos EC / EH / ED / FF / MF

A close-up of a microscope

Description automatically generated

A graph with black dots

Description automatically generated



Microscópios estereoscópicos modelos V / VK

A microscope with a lid

Description automatically generated

A graph with black dots

Description automatically generated



Microscópios estereoscópicos modelos VA

A close-up of several microscopes

Description automatically generated

A graph with numbers and dots

Description automatically generated



Microscópio estereoscópico modelo VT

A close-up of a microscope

Description automatically generated

A graph with black dots

Description automatically generated



Microscópio estereoscópico modelo VB

A close-up of a microscope

Description automatically generated

A graph with numbers and dots

Description automatically generated


Microscópio estereoscópico modelo JM

A close-up of a microscope

Description automatically generated

A graph with numbers and points

Description automatically generated



Microscópio estereoscópico modelo SZ

Several microscopes with different lenses

Description automatically generated

A graph with black dots

Description automatically generated



Microscópio estereoscópico modelo X

A microscope with a stand and a small device

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

A graph with black dots

Description automatically generated


Nota: a maioria da informação usada para produzir os gráficos em cima (números de série vs. ano) foi adaptada de um post intitulado “Olympus serial number timeline” no fórum de discussão MicrobeHunter (