Museu do Microscópio

Coleção de microscópios antigos e outros instrumentos científicos




A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated A close-up of a sign

Description automatically generated A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated         A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated 



Radiguet (Paris, França)


A poster of an advertisement

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

A paper with text on it

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Radiguet (1899)***

appareils electriques

Radiguet (1902)***

appareils photographiques



A close-up of a book

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Radiguet & Massiot (1911)

Catalogue de radiologie



A white paper with black text

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A close-up of a newspaper

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A close-up of a book

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Leon & Jules Rainal Freres (1905)***

Medecine Appareils et materiels

Rainal Freres (1925)

Instruments de chirurgie

Rainal Freres (1934)

Catalogue general



A close-up of a book

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A cover of a book

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A black and white paper with text

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Reichert (1898)

 Mikroskope, microtome, haemometer

Reichert (1908)


Reichert (1920s)


Reichert (1932)

 Microscopes et appareils auxiliaires





A person in a white coat holding a microscope

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A black and white photo of a microscope

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A close-up of a microscope

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A black and white photo of a device

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Reichert (1950s)


Reichert (1954)

 Neozet microscope

Reichert (1955)

 Biotherm microscope

Reichert (1955)






A close-up of a microscope

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A black and white cover with a black and white image of a microscope

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A person looking through a microscope

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A close-up of a microscope

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Reichert (1955)

 MAK microscope

Reichert (1955)

 MAK stereomicroscopes

Reichert (1955)


Reichert (1955)

 Mikroskopier lampen





A close-up of a microscope

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A close-up of a machine

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A black and silver microscope

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A black and white microscope

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Reichert (1956)

 Biozet microscope

Reichert (1956)


Reichert (1956)

 RC microscope

Reichert (1956)

 RCP microscope





A yellow and black cover with a black and white background

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A close-up of a microscope

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A black and white poster with a circular object and a red and yellow sphere

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A cover of a book

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Reichert (1957)


Reichert (1959)

 Remiphot Belichtungsmesser

Reichert (1960)

 Zetopan polarising microscope

Reichert (1961)

 Phase Contrast Anoptral





A close-up of a microscope

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A black and white image of microscopes

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A close-up of hands

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Reichert (1962)

 Metatest microscope

Reichert (1963)

 Biozet microscope

Reichert (1964)


Reichert (1964)

 Neopan microscope





A paper with a drawing of a microscope

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A blue and white drawing of a microscope

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A close-up of a microscope

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A close-up of a microscope

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Reichert (1966)

 Gebrauchsanweisung Phasenkontrast Anoptralkontrast

Reichert (1967)

 Photo-automatic, service manual

Reichert (1967)


Reichert (1967)

 Visopan projection microscope





A close-up of a microscope

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A diagram of a microscope

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Close-up of a plant with a black hole

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

A white piece of paper with black text

Description automatically generated

Reichert (1968)

Diapan Pol microscope

Reichert (1968)

 Neopan Gebrauchsanweisung

Reichert (1969)

 Fluorpan microscope

Reichert (1968)

 Auflicht Interferenzkontrast Gebrauchsanweisung





A red cover with a drawing of a microscope

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A close-up of a microscope

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A close-up of a brochure

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A book cover with a drawing of a bug

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Reichert (1968)

 Neopan Gebrauchsanweisung

Reichert (1969)

 Fluoreszenz mikroskopie

Reichert (1969)

 Multisystem Kondensor

Reichert (1969)






A pink paper with holes in it

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A microscope on a yellow background

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A close-up of a microscope

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A close-up of a colorful pattern

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Reichert (1969)

 Zetopan microscope

Reichert (1969)

 MAK microscope

Reichert (1969)

 Metapan 2 microscope

Reichert (1970)

 Instruments for biology and medicine





A close-up of a microscope

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A blue cover with a drawing of a microscope

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A red cover with white text and a machine on it

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A cover of a book

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Reichert (1970s)

 Univar microscope

Reichert (1971)

 Metavert microscope

Reichert (1971)

 OmU3 ultramikrotom manual

Reichert (1971)

 Biovert microscope





A pink paper with white text

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A close-up of a microscope

Description automatically generated

A close up of a paper

Description automatically generated

A pink paper with white text

Description automatically generated

Reichert (1971)

 Zetopan microscope

Reichert (1972)

 Biopan microscope

Reichert (1972)

 Visopan microscope

Reichert (1972)

 Zetopan Pol microscope





A close-up of a book cover

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A painting of a couple of objects

Description automatically generated

A person looking through a microscope

Description automatically generated

A white and black cover with a microscope

Description automatically generated

Reichert (1973)

 Fluoreszenz einrichtungen

Reichert (1973)

 Univar microscopes

Reichert (1974)

 MeF2 microscope

Reichert (1974)

 Univar met microscope





A close-up of a microscope

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A close-up of a microscope

Description automatically generated

A cover of a book

Description automatically generated

A cover of a book

Description automatically generated

Reichert (1975)

 Metavar microscope

Reichert (1975)

 Metavert microscope

Reichert (1975)

 Thermogerate microscope

Reichert (1975)

 Zetopan universal forschungsmikroskop





A close-up of a microscope

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A close-up of a microscope

Description automatically generated

A close-up of a machine

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Reichert (1976)

 Biovar microscope

Reichert (1976)

 Diavar 2 microscope

Reichert (1976)

 Neovar microscope

Reichert (1976)

 Photometer UnivaR





A close-up of a microscope

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A black screen with white text

Description automatically generated

A blue cover with a microscope

Description automatically generated

A close-up of a microscope

Description automatically generated

Reichert (1976)

 Zetopan microscope copy

Reichert (1976)

 Zetopan microscope

Reichert (1978)

 Polyvar microscope

Reichert (1981)

 Neovar 2C microscope





A close-up of a microscope

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A person looking through a microscope

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A close-up of a document

Description automatically generated

A cover of a book

Description automatically generated

Reichert (1981)

 Neovar 2F microscope

Reichert (1982)

 Polyvar photomikroskop

Reichert (1985)

 Cycloptic Stereoscopic Microscopes Price List

Reichert (1985)

 Cycloptic stereoscopic microscopes





A book with a microscope

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A person looking through a microscope

Description automatically generated

A book cover with a microscope

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Reichert (1985)

 Series 100 microscopes

Reichert (1985)

 Series 150 microscopes

Reichert (1985)

 Teaching microscopes 160

Reichert Jung (1988)

 Cycloptic stereoscopic microscopes




A close-up of a book

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Reynders John and Co (1889)

Surgical instruments



A close-up of a book

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Reynolds & Branson (1887)

Surgical instruments




A close-up of a book

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Gerard Richard (c. 1915)

Le microscopes et sus applications (excerpt)t



RICHARDS & CO (Nova Iorque, USA)


A paper with text on it

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Richards & Co (1910s)

Chemical and physical apparatus






A book with gold text

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A book cover with a drawing of a person holding a frog

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A cover of a book

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A black and white image of a person holding a shell

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Ritchie (1860)

Phylosophical instruments

ES Ritchie & Sons (1870)

Philosophical apparatus

ES Ritchie (1870s)


ES Ritchie & Sons (1878)

Physical instruments





A black and white advertisement for a microscope

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*Ross (1875)





A black and white advertisement

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P Rousseau (1888)***

Instruments de chimie et utensiles de laboratoire




A black and white advertisement for a weighing machine

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A close-up of a document

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A red book with gold text

Description automatically generated

A Rueprecht (1904)

Balances et poids de precision

A Rueprecht (1911)

Pracisionswagen & Gewichte fur Wissenschaftliche

A Rueprecht (1911)

Pracisionswagen and Gewichte fur wissenschaftliche




A telescope on the moon

Description automatically generated

RVR Optical (1977)




*Catálogos adaptados do Little Imp Suite of Books and Catalogs on Microscopes and Microscopy (, após autorização gentilmente concedida pelo autor Steve Gill. Estes ficheiros destinam-se apenas a uso pessoal, não devem ser distribuídos ou alojados online noutros locais, e em nenhuma circunstância devem ser colocados à venda, isoladamente ou em compilações, sem a autorização dos respetivos autores (os seus contactos podem ser encontrados nas respetivas páginas em cima).

***Catálogos alojados em Conservatoire Numérique des Arts et Métiers (Le CNUM – CNAM;