Museu do Microscópio

Coleção de microscópios antigos e outros instrumentos científicos




      A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated       A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated  A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated


PALMER (Londres, Inglaterra)


A black and white picture of a steam locomotive

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A green cover of a book

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A paper with text on it

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Palmer (1840)

Chemistry, pneumatics, optics and others

Palmer (1932)

Research and students apparatus

Palmer (1934)

Research and Students Apparatus




A close-up of a list of telescope equipment

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WR Parks Co (1981)





A cover of a book

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Parks Optical (1985)




A close-up of a document

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Parke Davis & Company (1894)

 Laboratory products



James PARKES & Son (Londres, Inglaterra)


A white paper with black text

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A close-up of a document

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James Parkes & Son (1857)

Optical mathematical and philosophical instruments

*James Parkes & Son (1862)

Simple and compound microscopes




Ph PELLIN (Paris, França)


A black and white photogram

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A black and white page of a newspaper

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A black and white page of a paper

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A paper with text and numbers

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Pellin (1898)

Instruments d optique

Pellin (1899)

Instruments d optique

Pellin (1899)

Instruments d optique

Pellin (1900)

Instruments d optique





A close-up of a paper

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A black and white paper with text

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A black and white paper with text

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A black and white newspaper

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Ph & F Pellin (1910s)

 Instruments d’optique et de precision

Ph Pellin (1900)

Instruments d’optique

Ph Pellin (1900)

Instruments d’optique

Ph Pellin (1900)

Instruments d’optique





A close-up of a document

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A black and white newspaper with text

Description automatically generated

A black and white newspaper

Description automatically generated

A white paper with black text

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Ph Pellin (1900)

Instruments d’optique

Ph Pellin (1900)

Instruments d’optique

Ph Pellin (1900)

Instruments d’optique

Pellin (1914)***

Instruments d optique et de precision



Wilhelm Petzold (Leipzig, Alemanha)


A black and white paper with text

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Wilhelm Petzold (1891)

Instrumente und Apparate fur physiologische Experimente



A black and white poster of a scientific experiment

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Phipps & Bird (19xx)

Pharmacologys Physiologys Psychologys Experimental Therapeutics



A black and white photo camera

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Photo Plait (1928)***

Photographie appareils et materiels



Geo H PIERCE (Filadélfia, USA)


A pink advertisement with a couple of people on it

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Geo H Pierce (1888)

 Stereopticons, dissolving view apparatus, and magic lanterns



Henri Picard (Paris, França)


A close-up of a paper

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Henri Picard (1910)

Instruments pour dentistes



A close-up of a book

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A white paper with black text

Description automatically generated

A close-up of a book

Description automatically generated

A close-up of a book

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B Pike (1848)

Catalogue of optical instruments (Vol I)

B Pike (1848)

Catalogue of optical instruments (Vol II)

B Pike (1856)

Catalogue of optical instruments (Vol I)

B Pike (1856)

Catalogue of optical instruments (Vol II)





A close up of a sign

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B Pike (c. 1890)

Catalogue of optical instruments






M PILLISCHER (Londres, Inglaterra)


A close-up of a book

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M Pillischer (1873)

Achromatic microscopes



PIXII (Paris, França)


A white paper with black text

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Pixii (1845)***

Instruments de physique



S PLOSSL (Viena, Áustria)


A close-up of a document

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Plossl (1874)

Achromatischen microscope




A cover of a book

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A white paper with black text

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Polarex (1960s)


Polarex Unitron (1973)




F & J Porges (Paris, França)


A white paper with black text

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F & J Porges (1906)

Instruments de chirurgie



A red paper with black text

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Poulenc Freres (1920)***

produits et appareils de laboratoire



Georges Prin (Paris, França)


A white paper with black text

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Georges Prin (1928)***

Lunettes astronomiques et terrestres



PROLABO (Paris, França)


A black book with gold text

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Prolabo (1932)

Appareils de laboratoire


Pyrex (Paris, França)


A cover of a book

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Pyrex (1935)***

Le Pyrex moul et souffle pour laboratoires



*Catálogos adaptados do Little Imp Suite of Books and Catalogs on Microscopes and Microscopy (, após autorização gentilmente concedida pelo autor Steve Gill. Estes ficheiros destinam-se apenas a uso pessoal, não devem ser distribuídos ou alojados online noutros locais, e em nenhuma circunstância devem ser colocados à venda, isoladamente ou em compilações, sem a autorização dos respetivos autores (os seus contactos podem ser encontrados nas respetivas páginas em cima).

***Catálogos alojados em Conservatoire Numérique des Arts et Métiers (Le CNUM – CNAM;