Museu do Microscópio

Coleção de microscópios antigos e outros instrumentos científicos




 A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated      A black text on a white background

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B KAHN & Son (Nova Iorque, USA)


A close-up of a book

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B Kahn & Son (c. 1890)

5th edition Optical and meteorological instruments



Hermann Katsch (Munique, Alemanha)


A white paper with black text

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Hermann Katsch (1906)

Haupt Preisliste



KENSBERG & Ulbrich (Berlim, Alemanha)


A black and white image of an old piano

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Kensberg & Ulbrich (1910)

Metal apparatus for laboratories



A close-up of a book

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Horatio G Kern (1868)

Surgical and dental instruments



A book with text on it

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Kilburn Brothers (1873)

 Catalogue of stereoscopic views



A paper with a price list

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Kirk technology (1988)




A book with text on it

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A white paper with black text

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LE Knott (1916)

Catalogue of scientific instruments

LE Knott (1921)

Scientific instruments




A green and gold book cover

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A black and white picture of a machine

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A black and white paper with text

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A cover of a book

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Max Kohl (1905)***

 Appareils de physique

Max Kohl (1910s)

Physical apparatus

Max Kohl (1910s)

Physical apparatus

Max Kohl (1910s)

Physical apparatus





A black and white poster of a scientific apparatus

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A black and white poster with a black and white image of a machine

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Max Kohl (1920s)

Physikalische Apparate

Max Kohl (1920s)

Physikalische Apparate







A close-up of a paper

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DW Kolbe & Son (1880s)

 Surgical instruments



F KORISTKA (Milão, Itália)


A paper with text on it

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A brown book with white text

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A green book with a picture of a microscope

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A close-up of a book

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F Koristka (1897)

Costruzione di strumenti di micrografia


F Koristka (1903)

Microscopi ed accessori


F Koristka (1905)

Microscopi ed accessori


F Koristka (1908)

Microscopi ed accessori






A red cover with a microscope

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A cover of a book

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A white and blue book cover

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A close-up of a document

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F Koristka (1912)

Microscopi ed accessori


F Koristka (1914)



F Koristka (1920)



F Koristka (1927)







A close-up of a book

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A close-up of a paper

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A close-up of a book

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A close-up of a document

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F Koristka (1928)

Microscopi ed accessori


F Koristka (1930)

Microscopi nuovo modello serie V


F Koristka (1931)



F Koristka (1931)





Kosmos (Stuttgart, Alemanha)


A close-up of a moon

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A newspaper with text on it

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Kosmos (1968)


Kosmos (1979)



A white and black label

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A close-up of a document

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A close-up of a book

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A close-up of a paper

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E Krauss (1906)***

 Catalogue general

E Krauss (1922)***

 Microscopes et accessoires

E Krauss (1923)***

Optique de projection fixe et animee

E Krauss (1924)

 Catalogue general





A white paper with black text

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A brown paper with black text

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A close-up of a book

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A close-up of a book

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E Krauss (1924)

 Microscopes et accessoires

E Krauss (1924)***

Photographic lenses and apparatus

E Krauss (1926)***

Objectifs et appareils photographiques

E Krauss (1926)

Microscopes et accessoires





A paper with text and words

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E Krauss (1926)

 Catalogue general







Krohne & Sesemann (Londres, Inglaterra)


A black book with gold text

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A red cover with yellow text

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A red book with gold text

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Krohne and Sesemann (1878)

Surgical instruments

Krohne and Sesemann (1894)

Veterinary instruments

Krohne and Sesemann (1901)

Surgical instruments




KYOWA Optical (Tóquio, Japão)


A manual of a microscope

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Kyowa Optical (1970s)

Zoom stereo microscopes SDZ series




***Catálogos alojados em Conservatoire Numérique des Arts et Métiers (Le CNUM – CNAM;