Museu do Microscópio

Coleção de microscópios antigos e outros instrumentos científicos




  A black and white text

Description automatically generated A black and white text

Description automatically generated A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated  A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated


A Jaegers (Nova Iorque, USA)


A red and white poster with black and white objects

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A Jaegers (1960s)

Telescopes binoculars and other instruments



Jaynay & Barnet


A close-up of a sign

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Jaynay & Barnet (1913)***

 Produits chimiques



Fredk Jackson & Co (Manchester, England)


A book with text on it

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Fredk Jackson & Co (1908)

Chemical and physical apparatus and chemicals



Jetter & Scheerer (Tuttlingen, Alemanha)


A close-up of a book

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A grey paper with text and symbols

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A grey paper with writing on it

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A blue book with white text

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Jetter & Scheerer (1905)

Instruments de chirurgie

Jetter & Scheerer (1920s)

 Instruments de chirurgie

Jetter & Scheerer (1920s)

Instruments de chirurgie

Jetter & Scheerer (1936)

Instruments dentaires



W & S Jones (Londres, Inglaterra)


A paper with text on it

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W & S Jones (1822)

Optical instruments




Etablissements JOUAN (Paris, França)


A close-up of a newspaper

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Jouan (1933)

Installations et appareils de laboratoire chimie bacteriologie




A paper with text and images

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

R Jung (1890s)

Instrumente und Apparate