Museu do Microscópio

Coleção de microscópios antigos e outros instrumentos científicos




   A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated    A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated    A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated 



JH DALLMEYER (Londres, Inglaterra)


A paper with text and words

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JH Dallmeyer (1863)

 Achromatic microscopes and telescopes



JB DANCER (Manchester, Inglaterra)


A white sign with black text

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JB Dancer (1873)

 Microscopes and apparatus



F DAVIDSON & Co (Londres, Inglaterra)


A close-up of a paper

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A yellow paper with a picture of a telescope

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An old advertisement for microscope

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A black and white image of a microscope

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F Davidson and Co (c. 1915)

The Davon microtelescope

F Davidson (c. 1917)

The Davon microtelescope

F Davidson (c. 1919)

The Davon microtelescope

F Davidson (c. 1924)

The Davon super microscope brochure B





A black and white photo of a map

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F Davidson (c. 1924)

The Davon super microscope brochure C






Delamotte (Paris, França)


A close-up of a book

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Delamotte (1906)

Instruments de chirurgie



De Deleuil (Paris, França)


A black and white page with text

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A black and white page with text

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De Deleuil (1863)***

Instruments de physique chimie optique

De Deleuil (1865)***

Instruments de physique chimie optique mathematiques



F Demaurex (Geneva, Suíça)


A close-up of a document

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F Demaurex (1889)

Instruments de chirurgie




A person holding a camera

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Derogy (1910)

 Lunetterie Optique




Emille DEYROLLE (Paris, França)


A catalog of microscopes

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A close-up of a book

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A book with a picture of a camera

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An old advertisement for a table

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Emille Deyrolle (1900)

Catalogue de micrographie

Emile Deyrolle (1907)

Instruments de precision

Emile Deyrolle (1912)

Projections photographies

Emile Deyrolle (1925)

Mobilier et materiel scolaires





A close-up of a paper

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A black and white advertisement for science

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A paper with text and images

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Emille Deyrolle (1929)

Materiel de laboratoire

Emille Deyrolle (1931)

Instruments por la sciences naturelles

Emile Deyrolle (1935)






DOWN Bros. Ltd (Londres, Inglaterra)


A blue book with gold text

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Down Bros (1890)

Surgical instruments and appliances

Down Brothers (1906)

Catalogue of surgical instruments

Down Bros (1910)

Surgical instruments and appliances



Drapier (Paris, França)


A black and white newspaper

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A close-up of a medical document

Description automatically generated

A newspaper with black and white text

Description automatically generated

Drapier (1912)

Instruments de chirurgie

Drapier (1924)

Instruments de chirurgie

Drapier (1929)

Instruments de chirurgie



A document with a stamp

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A white paper with black text

Description automatically generated

A white paper with black text

Description automatically generated

A black and white newspaper

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J Duboscq (1862)

Appareils pour la photographie

Duboscq (1870)


J Duboscq (1870)***


J Duboscq (1885)***

Instruments doptique





A black and white page of a book

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J Duboscq (1889)***

 Instruments doptique








E. DUCRETET & L. Lejeune (Paris, França)


A black and white document with text

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A black and white picture of two machines

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E. Ducretet & L. Lejeune (1893)***

 Instruments de precision

E Ducretet & L Lejeune (1893)***

Appareils de mesures électriques





A black and white paper with text

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E. Ducretet (1905)

 Instruments de precision


Duffaud & Co (Paris, França)


A black and white page of a music book

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Duffaud & Co (1934)

Instruments de chirurgie



H Dutar (Paris, França)


A close-up of a document

Description automatically generated

A white paper with black text

Description automatically generated

H Dutar (1909)

Instruments de chirurgie

Henri Dutar (1910)***

Instruments et appareils chirurgie et medecine



***Catálogos alojados em Conservatoire Numérique des Arts et Métiers (Le CNUM – CNAM;